RT’s At the Capitol 2025

Please Join Us for the 2025 RT’s at the Capitol

Please join the Connecticut Society of Radiologic Technologists for an exciting day at the Capital on March 20, 2025,
for R.T. in Hartford Day from 8:30 a.m. –  11:00a.m. in Capitol Room 310.

We do have impending legislative issues
this year, our goal during this legislative session is to increase awareness of the important role medical imaging and
radiation therapy professionals play in health care.

In 2024 a task force was developed by the State of Connecticut to address the shortage of Radiologic Technologists,
Nuclear Medicine Technologists and Respiratory Therapists. Dr. Bernadette Mele, a CSRT member was the Co-Chair of this task force group. A report has been released to the Public Health Committee, and now legislation is being developed to implement the reports conclusions. We need your help and support at the Capitol to relay this message to your elected representatives. The task force final report can be found here
https://cga.ct.gov/ph/taskforce.asp?TF=20230612_Radiologic Task Force

This event, will take start in Capitol Room 310, a light breakfast will be provided, a presentation will be given on how to speak to your lawmakers, and the CSRT will provide you with a brochure that can be handed out.

Please Make An Appointment to Speak With Your Legislator

If You Do Not Know Who Your Legislator is Please Visit:   Find Your Legislator

The Connecticut Society of Radiologic Technologists is the voice of R.T.s and all radiology specialties across this
state.  Please join our movement!