CSRT Membership

Join the CSRT

Your annual membership fee will allow us to continue to:

  • monitor legislative changes in Hartford
  • offer no or low-cost “mini-lectures” for credit
  • present our annual conference providing the opportunity to earn 6 to 8 credits

Membership gives us a more powerful voice in Hartford. Simple math dictates that if every CSRT member continues to renew and recruit at least one person to join this year, our membership will double. We also encourage students to become involved with the society; THEY ARE OUR FUTURE.


Print out the Membership Form PDF and mail it to the address on the form with your check made payable to “CSRT”.

If you would prefer to register and pay online with your credit card this service is now available and utilizes a fully secure PayPal payment gateway.  Registering online gives you immediate access to our member resources.


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